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It's Time to Winterize with Nelson Electric Heat Tracing Products

Nelson Electric Heat Tracing Products

Ensure frigid temperatures don’t slow you down with Nelson Heat Trace.

With over 65 years of experience, let us be your trusted and reliable source for staying operational during those harsh winter months.

As winter weather is settling in, the need to protect vital equipment is essential. With lower temperatures and brutal winds, exterior equipment is in danger of freezing which lengthens or completely halts the production process. Now is the time to assess your heat trace requirements.

Nelson Heat Trace products by Emerson incorporate traditional heat trace design philosophies with innovative installation, control, and monitoring technologies. Our solutions are perfect for keeping metal pipes or other exposed equipment working at the right temperature. With unpredictable weather conditions, it is critical to keep your equipment running; we offer total environmental coverage, no matter the elements.


Emerson is committed to finding the most cost-effective solution to your heat trace requirements, regardless of size or scope. Trained on the specialized requirements of mineral insulated cable design, our application and engineering group can design systems utilizing all major product technologies: self-regulating, parallel constant-wattage and series resistance heating products.

Nelson Electric Low Temp Cable

Nelson low temperature heater cables can be used for both freeze protection and process maintenance applications. These heater cables can be field cut-to-length and feature multiple power output and voltage ratings.

Nelson Electric High Temp Cable

Nelson high temperature heater cables are suit- able for installation on pipes, tanks and vessels for freeze protection or process temperature maintenance up to +300°F and exposure temperatures up to +450°F.

Nelson Electric MI Cable

We pioneered the use of Nelson mineral insulated heating cables for applications that require higher temperatures, extended heater life and efficient power output. Maximum exposure temperatures of +1100°F are possible.

Emerson can provide a wide range of Nelson connection systems and accessories to meet the global installation requirements for Zone and Division locations. Most Nelson heater cables are cut-to-length and assembled in the field. These systems require kits for connecting to the power supply, configuring multiple cables and sealing electrical components from the surrounding environment.

Nelson Electric Junction Boxes

Nelson Electric Termination Kits

We can provide the right system for your specific needs, from simple electro-mechanical thermostats to sophisticated electronic control and monitor- ing systems. Mechanical thermostats provide a cost effective control option for most heat tracing installations. Thermostats are available in a variety of enclosures including NEMA 4, 4X and 7 for use in hazardous and nonhazardous locations.

Nelson Electric Thermostats

Nelson Electric Controllers

Nelson Electric Monitors

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